prototype_joints_default_actuator.cpp File Reference
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 argos::REGISTER_ACTUATOR (CPrototypeJointsDefaultActuator, "joints", "default", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "The prototype joints actuator: controls a prototype entity's joints.", "This actuator is used to control the joints inside a prototype entity. To\n" "control a joint, add a joint child node to the joints node. Each child node has\n" "three attributes, all of which are required.\n\n" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\n\n" " <controllers>\n" " ...\n" " <my_controller ...>\n" " ...\n" " <actuators>\n" " ...\n" " <joints implementation=\"default\">\n" " <joint id=\"joint0\" mode=\"velocity\" max_impulse=\"0.002f\"/>\n" " <joint id=\"joint1\" mode=\"position\" max_impulse=\"0.005f\"/>\n" " ...\n" " </joints>\n" " ...\n" " </actuators>\n" " ...\n" " </my_controller>\n" " ...\n" " </controllers>\n\n" "The 'id' attribute specifies which joint in the prototype joint equipped entity\n" "we are interested in controlling. The 'mode' attribute has three options:\n" "disabled, position, and velocity. The disabled mode is self-explanatory. The\n" "position and velocity modes enable closed loop position control and closed loop\n" "velocity control. The 'max_impulse' attribute defines the maximum impulse of\n" "the actuator in kg m/s for prismatic joints and kg m^2/s for revolute joints.\n\n" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\n\n" "None.", "Usable")