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How to overcome "No package ' argos3_simulator' found

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 2:40 am
by Miss7you
I follow these commands:

Installation of ARGoS and the ARGoS e-puck plugin

1) mkdir software
2) cd software/
3) git clone
4) git clone
5) sudo apt-get install cmake g++ libfreeimage-dev libfreeimageplus-dev \qt5-default freeglut3-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev liblua5.3-dev \lua5.3 doxygen graphviz graphviz-dev asciidoc

6) cd argos3/
7) mkdir build
8) cd build
9) cmake ../src

10) make
11) make doc
12) sudo make install
13) sudo ldconfig

Verify that the installation was succesful.

1) argos3 --version

Build and install the ARGoS-epuck plugin.

1) cd ../../argos3-epuck/
2) mkdir build
3) cd build
4) cmake ../src

Re: How to overcome "No package ' argos3_simulator' found

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 2:51 am
by pincy
I don't own the argos3-epuck repository, so I can't fix it for you. I left an issue that also reports the solution to the problem. Please comment on that issue to make them aware of your needs.