ARGoS legacy code issues

Requests regarding how to set up experiments in ARGoS.
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ARGoS legacy code issues

Postby protean_swarmie » Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:54 am


I'm a new ARGoS user and I have some legacy ARGoS code that was written for the beta53 version of ARGoS that I'd like to be able to use. I have a working version of current beta59 installed directly to my machine and an *almost* working version of the beta53 version on a virtualbox VM (I didn't want to remove my existing beta59 installation; both versions running on Ubuntu 20.04). I can't seem to get the graphics working for the beta53 version however, and I need to be able to view these experiments.

Which parts of the configuration (and any other parts of this code) would need to be updated for them to run well on beta59? I was running into build errors (cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) before I switched to a beta53 installation from source. Versions of this code without visualizations run correctly on this install. Is there a VM with less graphics issues than virtualbox you would recommend? Does ARGoS have any built-in functionality for backward compatibility (probably not given the amount of dependencies on other packages...)? Any thoughts you have on this would be most helpful.

Thank you!

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Re: ARGoS legacy code issues

Postby pincy » Fri Jul 23, 2021 2:36 am

It's hard to provide you with a procedure without knowing the details of the code and the exact nature of the errors you're encountering.

If the code is publicly available, I can tried and help you through the migration.

If not, you should use the examples as a reference on how to correctly compile the code. In particular, the correct way to detect ARGoS is now these lines instead of these lines (any occurrence of ARGoS variables, Lua, and Qt is obsolete and superseded by the current approach).
I made ARGoS.

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