Can we use both LUA and cpp controller in parallel for same experiment in ARGoS simulator? Means some part of code can be in LUA and some part of the code can be in C++. Is it possible with current version of ARGoS?
Actually I have written few part of my project in LUA and now I want to implement further part of code using c++. In simple words if we have two functions in my project. Can we run first function using LUA and second function using C++ but the file .argos is same. If this is possible?
Everything is possibile, but I don't understand what you're trying to achieve. Do you have one controller? Two controllers? Please be specific so I can understand how to help you.
Basically I am also trying it for the first time. I have implemented obstacle avoidance using LUA and now I want to implement object detection in the same controller but using C++. Then how to mention both LUA and c++ controller in argos file because in my case due to one controller argos file is same. Thats why I have asked about its possibility.
It's a question that is not really about ARGoS, but about how to interface Lua and C++. I can try to put together an example and add to the repository, but make sure to read the Lua documentation: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#4