Thymio ASEBA controller

Requests regarding how to set up experiments in ARGoS.
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Thymio ASEBA controller

Postby aten » Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:35 pm

Hello. I recently installed ARGoS and the Thymio extension which both work great, but all the controller examples are written in C++. The description of the Thymio extension suggests that it supports ASEBA, but I have not been able to find any documentation on how to do this. If possible, could someone share a (minimal) Thymio experiment setup with a controller written in ASEBA?

I am on Debian 20.04 LTS 64-bit. My goal is to use the same controller for both simulations and on a real Thymio.

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Re: Thymio ASEBA controller

Postby jharwell » Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:35 am

I think your best bet is to contact the Thymio extension author and ask for a Thymio example written in ASEBA. ARGoS only supports controllers written in C/C++ or Lua. From looking tho extension repo, I don't see anything that is not written in C++ :-(, so it may be that the documentation is incorrect.

- John

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Re: Thymio ASEBA controller

Postby pincy » Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:56 am

We used to have ASEBA integrated in ARGoS2 (not ARGoS3). It was simple to integrate - you could use the Lua controller as an example and do the same for ASEBA. It boils down to calling the ASEBA VM step in CCI_Controller::ControlStep() and initialize the sensors/actuators as done in the Lua controller.
I made ARGoS.

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Re: Thymio ASEBA controller

Postby aten » Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:30 am

Thank you for the replies. I now realize the extension is likely intended to interface with the Thymio through a Raspberry Pi. This way, C++ controllers could also work on real Thymios. I will give this a try first.

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