pointmass3d physics engine not working properly under version beta59 with kilobots

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pointmass3d physics engine not working properly under version beta59 with kilobots

Postby asion » Fri Oct 07, 2022 12:56 pm

I tried to change the physics engine in a simulation using kilobots from dynamics2d to pointmass3d to study a case where the robots would not have any collision. I was using the last version of ARGoS, beta59. While comparing both physics engines, dynamics2d worked fine as expected but with pointmass3d, the kilobots were barely moving. After trying multiple configurations, I decided to reinstall ARGoS cleanly from the compiled binaries but this bug subsisted. Then, I reinstalled an older version of ARGoS, beta56 and the bug disappeared with the kilobots moving at a normal speed when using pointmass3d.
It seems to me that between these two versions of ARGoS, there may have been a change done to the pointmass3d physics engine that caused the bug with the kilobots ?
Antoine Sion

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Re: pointmass3d physics engine not working properly under version beta59 with kilobots

Postby pincy » Fri Oct 07, 2022 2:02 pm

Thanks for the bug report! I don't know what the cause might be, but I'll check it out in the weekend.
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Re: pointmass3d physics engine not working properly under version beta59 with kilobots

Postby luigifeola » Mon Oct 17, 2022 4:09 pm

Thanks for the bug report! I don't know what the cause might be, but I'll check it out in the weekend.
Hi pincy,

I experienced the same issue as asion. Did you have any news regarding this?
Alternatively, as asion, I was trying to uninstall argos beta59 in order to install beta56. The point is that I cannot run the following command, as suggested in the user manual:

Code: Select all

$ sudo /usr/share/argos3/uninstall_argos.sh
since that file does not exist in that path.
Moreover, I also tried to uninstall argos as you suggest in other replies here on the forum:

Code: Select all

$ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/argos3 $ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/doc/argos3 $ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/include/argos3 $ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/argos3 $ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/argos3_simulator.pc $ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/libexec/argos3 $ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/man/man1/argos3.1.gz $ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/argos3
But nothing happens, still argos installed. How can I be sure about the ARGoS location, and how may I uninstall it?

Thank you,

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Re: pointmass3d physics engine not working properly under version beta59 with kilobots

Postby pincy » Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:07 pm

Luigi, uninstalling ARGoS depends on how you installed it.
  1. If you installed it using the package manager of Ubuntu, then just use the same package manager to delete it;
  2. If you installed in manually, in theory it should have been installed in /usr/local, in which case the commands you reported are correct. If that's not the case, to know where ARGoS is installed, just type

    Code: Select all

    which argos3
    and replace /usr/local with whatever comes before argos3 in the output excluding bin/ (e.g., if you get /op/bin/argos3, you'll replace /usr/local with /opt)
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Re: pointmass3d physics engine not working properly under version beta59 with kilobots

Postby pincy » Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:08 pm

As for the original request, I have gone through the diff between the versions but nothing came out as obvious. I'll spend a bit more time on it.
I made ARGoS.

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Re: pointmass3d physics engine not working properly under version beta59 with kilobots

Postby HarryT » Tue Nov 15, 2022 7:28 am


Is there any news about this bug? I would like to have some feedback on this.

My website : annatube.com

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