failed to initialize entity"fb00"

Requests regarding how to set up experiments in ARGoS.
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Joined: Wed Jul 10, 2024 5:21 pm

failed to initialize entity"fb00"

Postby Han » Wed Jul 10, 2024 6:07 pm

[FATAL] Failed to initialize the space.
[FATAL] Error while trying to distribute entities
[FATAL] Failed to initialize entity "fb00".
[FATAL] Failed to initialize controllable entity "controller_0".
[FATAL] Can't set controller for controllable entity "controller_0"
[FATAL] Unknown entity id "fb0" when requesting entity from space


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Re: failed to initialize entity"fb00"

Postby pincy » Thu Jul 11, 2024 12:57 pm

Nobody, without more detail...
I made ARGoS.

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 10, 2024 5:21 pm

Re: failed to initialize entity"fb00"

Postby Han » Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:45 pm

Here is my XML document:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<!-- General configuration -->
<system threads="0" />
<experiment length="0" ticks_per_second="10" random_seed="124" />

<!-- Controllers -->
<footbot_trajectoryplaning_controller id="ftp" library="/home/baoqinghan/argos_projects/footbot_trajectory_planing/build/controllers/">
<differential_steering implementation="default" />
<gripper implementation="default" />
<footbot_proximity implementation="default" show_rays="true" />
<positioning implementation="default" />
<params alpha="7.5" delta="0.1" velocity="5" />

<!-- Loop functions -->
<loop_functions library="/home/baoqinghan/argos_projects/footbot_trajectory_planing/build/loop_functions/" label="trajectory_loop_functions" />

<!-- Arena configuration -->
<arena size="5, 5, 1" center="0,0,0.5">
<box id="wall_north" size="4,0.1,0.5" movable="false">
<body position="0,2,0" orientation="0,0,0" />
<box id="wall_south" size="4,0.1,0.5" movable="false">
<body position="0,-2,0" orientation="0,0,0" />
<box id="wall_east" size="0.1,4,0.5" movable="false">
<body position="2,0,0" orientation="0,0,0" />
<box id="wall_west" size="0.1,4,0.5" movable="false">
<body position="-2,0,0" orientation="0,0,0" />

<!-- Adding two vertical entities for robots to reach -->
<box id="vertical_entity_1" size="2.5,0.1,0.1" movable="false">
<body position="0,1,0" orientation="0,0,0" />
<box id="vertical_entity_2" size="2.5,0.1,0.1" movable="false">
<body position="0,0,0" orientation="0,0,0" />

<!-- Adding small objects to the left of each vertical entity -->
<box id="small_object_1" size="0.1,0.1,0.1" movable="false">
<body position="-0.6,1.2,0" orientation="0,0,0" />
<box id="small_object_4" size="0.1,0.1,0.1" movable="false">
<body position="0.6,-0.2,0" orientation="0,0,0" />

<!-- Distributing foot-bots -->
<entity quantity="1" max_trials="100">
<foot-bot id="fb0">
<controller config="ftp" />
<position method="constant" values="1,-1,0" />
<orientation method="constant" values="0,0,0" />
<entity quantity="1" max_trials="100">
<foot-bot id="fb1">
<controller config="ftp" />
<position method="constant" values="2,-1,0" />
<orientation method="constant" values="0,0,0" />

<!-- Distributing 5 cylinders randomly -->
<position method="uniform" min="-2,-2,0" max="2,2,0" />
<orientation method="constant" values="0,0,0" />
<entity quantity="5" max_trials="100">
<cylinder id="c" height="0.5" radius="0.15" movable="false" />

<!-- Physics engines -->
<dynamics2d id="dyn2d" />

<!-- Media -->
<media />

<!-- Visualization -->
<user_functions library="/home/baoqinghan/argos_projects/footbot_trajectory_planing/build/loop_functions/" label="trajectory_qtuser_functions" />
<placement index="0" position="-6.83677,-0.0492575,7.1301" look_at="-6.14438,-0.0492575,6.40857" up="0.721522,-3.4075e-17,0.692391" lens_focal_length="65" />

Here are faults:
[FATAL] Failed to initialize the space.
[FATAL] Error while trying to distribute entities
[FATAL] Node 'position' not found

Here is my controller document:
#include <argos3/core/control_interface/ci_controller.h>
#include <argos3/plugins/robots/foot-bot/simulator/footbot_entity.h>
#include <argos3/core/simulator/simulator.h>
#include <argos3/core/simulator/entity/embodied_entity.h>
#include <argos3/core/utility/logging/argos_log.h>
#include <argos3/core/utility/math/vector2.h>
#include <argos3/core/utility/math/rng.h>
#include <argos3/plugins/robots/foot-bot/control_interface/ci_footbot_motor_ground_sensor.h>
#include <argos3/plugins/robots/foot-bot/control_interface/ci_footbot_proximity_sensor.h>
#include <argos3/plugins/robots/generic/control_interface/ci_differential_steering_actuator.h>

using namespace argos;

class CFootBotTrajectoryplaningController : public CCI_Controller {
CFootBotTrajectoryplaningController() :
m_cTargetPosition(-0.6,1.2), // 目标位置
m_fWheelVelocity(2.5f) {}

virtual ~CFootBotTrajectoryplaningController() {}

virtual void Init(TConfigurationNode& t_node) {
m_pcWheels = GetActuator<CCI_DifferentialSteeringActuator>("differential_steering");
m_pcProximitySensor = GetSensor<CCI_FootBotProximitySensor>("footbot_proximity");

// 获取仿真空间和实体
try {
CFootBotEntity& cFootBotEntity = dynamic_cast<CFootBotEntity&>(CSimulator::GetInstance().GetSpace().GetEntity(GetId()));
CVector3 cPosition3D = cFootBotEntity.GetEmbodiedEntity().GetOriginAnchor().Position;
m_cCurrentPosition.Set(cPosition3D.GetX(), cPosition3D.GetY());
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION("Error retrieving FootBot entity: " << ex.what());

virtual void ControlStep() {
// 使用实际位置
CVector2 cCurrentPos = m_cCurrentPosition;

// 计算到目标的向量
CVector2 cToTarget = m_cTargetPosition - cCurrentPos;

// 获取传感器读数并计算避障所需的转向
const CCI_FootBotProximitySensor::TReadings& tProxReads = m_pcProximitySensor->GetReadings();
CVector2 cAvoidanceVector(0,0);
for(const auto& tRead : tProxReads) {
CVector2 cTemp;
cTemp.FromPolarCoordinates(1.0f / tRead.Value, tRead.Angle);
if(tRead.Value > 0) {
cAvoidanceVector -= cTemp;

if(cAvoidanceVector.Length() > 0.0f) {
cToTarget += cAvoidanceVector;

// 根据合成向量设置轮速
CRadians cAngle = cToTarget.Angle().SignedNormalize();
Real fLeftSpeed = m_fWheelVelocity;
Real fRightSpeed = m_fWheelVelocity;
if(cAngle > CRadians::ZERO) {
fRightSpeed *= 1.0 - Min(cAngle / CRadians::PI, 1.0);
} else {
fLeftSpeed *= 1.0 - Min(-cAngle / CRadians::PI, 1.0);

m_pcWheels->SetLinearVelocity(fLeftSpeed, fRightSpeed);

virtual void Reset() {
m_pcWheels->SetLinearVelocity(0.0f, 0.0f);

virtual void Destroy() {}

CCI_DifferentialSteeringActuator* m_pcWheels;
CCI_FootBotProximitySensor* m_pcProximitySensor;
CVector2 m_cCurrentPosition; // 实时更新的当前位置
CVector2 m_cTargetPosition; // 目标位置
Real m_fWheelVelocity;

REGISTER_CONTROLLER(CFootBotTrajectoryplaningController, "footbot_trajectoryplaning_controller")

And when I change my distribute to:
<position method="constant" values="1,-1,0" />
<orientation method="constant" values="0,0,0" />
<entity quantity="1" max_trials="100">
<foot-bot id="fb0">
<controller config="ftp" />

The fault will be:
[FATAL] Failed to initialize the space.
[FATAL] Error while trying to distribute entities
[FATAL] Failed to initialize entity "fb00".
[FATAL] Failed to initialize controllable entity "controller_0".
[FATAL] Can't set controller for controllable entity "controller_0"
[FATAL] Error retrieving FootBot entity: [FATAL] Unknown entity id "fb00" when requesting entity from space.

I don't understand the reason. Could you help me?

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