IDE for developing with ARGoS

Requests regarding how to set up experiments in ARGoS.
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IDE for developing with ARGoS

Postby mallwright » Tue May 01, 2012 11:00 am

I would like to start developing (adding extensions etc) with the ARGoS simulator. So I'm looking for recommendations about what setup is best for development.

From looking at the source tree, I can see that CMake is used extensively and that the Qt framework is used in the code for the GUI.

So to refine the question, what OS (i.e. Linux, OS X), tools (i.e. GCC, CMake), editors, IDEs (incl respective plugins) have you installed to develop the ARGoS Simulator?

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Re: IDE for developing with ARGoS

Postby pincy » Tue May 01, 2012 2:34 pm

ARGoS is based on CMake to configure compilation. If you check the manual of CMake, you'll see that CMake can generate configuration files for Eclipse and Code::Blocks. Thus, you can use these IDEs. Personally, I coded the entirety of ARGoS in Emacs, but if you are used to a modern IDE I do not suggest you to do the same.

As for the operating system, I work always on Slackware Linux. However, before each release, I test my work on Ubuntu, OpenSUSE and MacOSX. The majority of the people that work on ARGoS use Ubuntu or MacOSX. In the end, the specific OS does not matter.

The interactive visualization is based on Qt. However, the rest of the simulator does not use this library. The reason is that, in our lab, ARGoS is installed on a cluster and we want to keep the installed libraries to a minimum. Thus, I have developed a set of custom utility functions (e.g. math, string, XML manipulation, etc).
I made ARGoS.

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