
Requests regarding how to set up experiments in ARGoS.
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Joined: Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:39 pm


Postby fionashim » Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:50 pm

I am trying to simulate something and though I'd start with a diffusion example. However was unable to compile it.

Code: Select all

--[[Define all parameters to be included]] #include <footbot_diffusion.h> #include <argos3/core/utility/configuration/argos_configuration.h> #include <argos3/core/utility/math/vector2.h> --[[Define the CFootBotDiffusion parameters]] CFootBotDiffusion::CFootBotDiffusion(): m_pcWheels(NULL), m_pcProximity(NULL), m_cAlpha(10.0f), m_fDelta(0.5f), m_fWheelVelocity(2.5f), m_cGoStraightAngleRange(-ToRadians(m_cAlpha), ToRadians(m_cAlpha)) {} --[[Define the controller function to point to parameters ]] void CFootBotDifussion :: Init(TConfigurationNode& t_node){ m_pcWheels = GetActuator<CCI_DifferentialSteeringActuator> ("differential_steering"); m_pcProximity = GetSensor<CCI_FootBotProximitySensor> ("footbot_proximity"); --[[Define algorithm where the code accepts 3 parameters]] GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_node, "alpha", m_cAlpha, m_cAlpha); m_cGoStraightAngleRange.Set(-ToRadians(m_cAlpha), ToRadians(m_cAlpha)); GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_node, "delta", m_fDelta, m_fDelta); GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_node, "velocity", m_fWheelVelocity, m_fWheelVelocity); } --[[ This function is executed every time you press the 'execute' button ]] function init() --[[Get reading from the sensors and sum all readings together]] void CFootBotDiffusion::ControlStep() { const CCI_FootBotProximitySensor::TReadings& tProxReads = m_pcProximity->GetReadings(); CVector2 cAccumulator; for(size_t i = 0; i < tProxReads.size(); ++i) { cAccumulator += CVector2(tProxReads[i].Value, tProxReads[i].Angle); } cAccumulator /= tProxReads.size(); --[[If the angle of vector is small enough and obstacle is far, then curve a little move straight]] CRadians cAngle = cAccumulator.Angle(); if(m_cGoStraightAngleRange.WithinMinBoundIncludedMaxBoundIncluded(cAngle) && cAccumulator.Length() < m_fDelta ) { m_pcWheels->SetLinearVelocity(m_fWheelVelocity, m_fWheelVelocity); } else{ if(cAngle.GetValue() > 0.0f) { m_pcWheels->SetLinearVelocity(m_fWheelVelocity, 0.0f); } else { m_pcWheels->SetLinearVelocity(0.0f, m_fWheelVelocity); } } } end
Where did it go wrong?

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Re: Simulation

Postby pincy » Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:36 pm


The code you posted looks like a mixture of Lua-style comments and C++ code.

Can you be more specific on what you're trying to achieve and which errors you are encountering?

1. In which language are you trying to work? Lua or C++?
2. Are you trying to insert C++ code into the Lua editor?
3. What exact compilation errors are you finding?

I made ARGoS.

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