Lua variable inspector not working

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Lua variable inspector not working

Postby seppevanhee » Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:08 pm

When running the ARGoS simulator with the "lua_editor" attribute of the visualisation set to true I get the following warning messages:
QObject::connect: No such signal argos::CQTOpenGLWidget::EntitySelected(size_t)
QObject::connect: No such signal argos::CQTOpenGLWidget::EntityDeselected(size_t)

The simulation works fine, but selecting a robot in the arena no longer opens the variable inspector. This worked in version 3.0.0-beta48, but after doing a reinstall of the simulator after formatting my hard drive this no longer works in version 3.0.0-beta49. My os version is macOS 10.13.3 and I installed ARGoS via homebrew as instructed.

Any help is appreciated,
Seppe Vanhee

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Re: Lua variable inspector not working

Postby pincy » Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:10 pm

Thanks for the bug report! It's been fixed in the latest commit on Github.
I made ARGoS.

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