PhysX Library

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PhysX Library

Postby jamesbut » Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:41 pm

Hi Carlo,

I am using ARGoS for evolutionary robotics and the genetic algorithms are taking a long time to complete. I see you have started work on the PhysX engine that can be run on a GPU, so I can imagine this will make simulation time a lot faster with the right graphics card.

I was wondering what state the integration of the PhysX engine was in and whether it is usable? And if not is there anything that I can write to make it work?


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Re: PhysX Library

Postby pincy » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:24 am

The engine is a well-made prototype that is almost fully functional. Apart from fixing a few compilation issues (minor aspects), the main work that remains would be setting the parameters.

I'm not planning to work on it any time soon, unfortunately, due to lack of time. I was planning on finalizing it during the summer, when teaching duties are gone.
I made ARGoS.

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