Possible bug with gcc 7 compilation

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Possible bug with gcc 7 compilation

Postby jharwell » Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:45 am

When I use the binary argos from the download page and compile my code with gcc/g++ 7.2 then I also get a loop functions not found error, even though the symbols ARE in the .so library. Argos finds the library without a problem, and everything works as expected, IF I use gcc 5.4. Is this a known issue? Should I be able to use argos with the code from any g++ version?


- John

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Re: Possible bug with gcc 7 compilation

Postby pincy » Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:12 am

You should try to install ARGoS from the sources. It doesn't look like a bug of ARGoS, but rather an issue with linking binaries made with different versions of gcc. Make sure to never have two version of ARGoS installed in your system, or things will misbehave. Let me know if you need guidance building ARGoS from the sources.
I made ARGoS.

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