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Robot-arena interactions with pointmass3d engine

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 9:07 pm
by jharwell
Hi Carlo,

I had assumed that a foot-bot running inside of a pointmass3d engine would be able to interact with non-movable boxes/cylinders/etc that are created inside ARGoS, BUT upon creating an empty arena and simply having the robot drive forward, it reaches the edge of the arena and drives THROUGH the wall, causing a fatal exception.

Is this the intended behavior? i.e. this is what is means to be a "mass" in a pointmass engine--you can't physically interaction with other objects? My guess is that it is, and that if I want to be able to have foot-bots interact physically with a 3D environment I would need to create a model for the foot-bot in the dynamics3d engine.

- John

Re: Robot-arena interactions with pointmass3d engine

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 7:04 pm
by jharwell
Carlo/Michael--any thoughts on this?

Re: Robot-arena interactions with pointmass3d engine

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 7:53 pm
by pincy
Pointmass means no collisions. The entities have no body - they are point masses, as in the mathematical sense.