Code: Select all
[FATAL] Failed to initialize the space.
[FATAL] Error while initializing light entity
[FATAL] While updating the LED grid for LED "l0"
[FATAL] CGrid<ENTITY>::UpdateCell() : index (0,0,0) out of bounds (-1,-1,0)
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- ************************* -->
<!-- * General configuration * -->
<!-- ************************* -->
<system threads="0" />
<experiment length="0"
random_seed="25" />
<!-- *************** -->
<!-- * Controllers * -->
<!-- *************** -->
<kilobot_controller id="kbc">
<differential_steering implementation="default" />
<kilobot_led implementation="default" />
<kilobot_light implementation="rot_z_only" show_rays="true" />
<params behavior="build/examples/behaviors/simple_movement" />
<!-- ****************** -->
<!-- * Loop functions * -->
<!-- ****************** -->
<loop_functions library="build/examples/loop_functions/trajectory_loop_functions/libtrajectory_loop_functions"
label="trajectory_loop_functions" />
<!-- *********************** -->
<!-- * Arena configuration * -->
<!-- *********************** -->
<arena size = "0.750, 0.890, 1" center = "0, 0, 0.5">
<light id="l0" position="0,0,0.5" orientation="0,0,0" color="yellow" intensity="10.0" medium="leds"/>
<!-- ******************* -->
<!-- * Physics engines * -->
<!-- ******************* -->
<dynamics2d id="dyn2d" />
<!-- ********* -->
<!-- * Media * -->
<!-- ********* -->
<led id="leds" />
<!-- ****************** -->
<!-- * Visualization * -->
<!-- ****************** -->
This shows how to add customized drawing in the world
using the qt user functions.
Check 'argos3 -q qt-opengl' for more help.
<user_functions library="build/examples/loop_functions/trajectory_loop_functions/libtrajectory_loop_functions"
label="trajectory_qtuser_functions" />
<placement index="0" position="0,0,8.14689" look_at="0,0,0" up="1,0,0" lens_focal_length="200"/>