Go to the documentation of this file.
9 #include <QPainter>
11 namespace argos {
13  /****************************************/
14  /****************************************/
16  const GLfloat DEFAULT_SPECULAR[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
17  const GLfloat DEFAULT_SHININESS[] = { 100.0f };
18  const GLfloat DEFAULT_EMISSION[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
20  /****************************************/
21  /****************************************/
23  static void Rototranslate(const CVector3& c_position,
24  const CQuaternion& c_orientation) {
25  /* Get Euler angles */
26  CRadians cZAngle, cYAngle, cXAngle;
27  c_orientation.ToEulerAngles(cZAngle, cYAngle, cXAngle);
28  /* Translate */
29  glTranslated(c_position.GetX(), c_position.GetY(), c_position.GetZ());
30  /* Rotate */
31  glRotated(ToDegrees(cXAngle).GetValue(), 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
32  glRotated(ToDegrees(cYAngle).GetValue(), 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
33  glRotated(ToDegrees(cZAngle).GetValue(), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
34  }
36  /****************************************/
37  /****************************************/
40  m_vecFunctionHolders(1),
41  m_pcQTOpenGLMainWindow(nullptr) {
42  m_cThunks.Add<CEntity>((TThunk)nullptr);
43  }
45  /****************************************/
46  /****************************************/
49  while(!m_vecFunctionHolders.empty()) {
50  delete m_vecFunctionHolders.back();
51  m_vecFunctionHolders.pop_back();
52  }
53  }
55  /****************************************/
56  /****************************************/
58  void CQTOpenGLUserFunctions::KeyPressed(QKeyEvent* pc_event) {
59  m_pcQTOpenGLMainWindow->GetOpenGLWidget().KeyPressed(pc_event);
60  }
62  /****************************************/
63  /****************************************/
65  void CQTOpenGLUserFunctions::KeyReleased(QKeyEvent* pc_event) {
66  m_pcQTOpenGLMainWindow->GetOpenGLWidget().KeyReleased(pc_event);
67  }
69  /****************************************/
70  /****************************************/
73  return m_pcQTOpenGLMainWindow->GetOpenGLWidget().GetSelectedEntity();
74  }
76  /****************************************/
77  /****************************************/
80  m_pcQTOpenGLMainWindow->GetOpenGLWidget().SelectEntity(c_entity);
81  }
83  /****************************************/
84  /****************************************/
87  m_pcQTOpenGLMainWindow->GetOpenGLWidget().DeselectEntity();
88  }
90  /****************************************/
91  /****************************************/
94  return *m_pcQTOpenGLMainWindow;
95  }
97  /****************************************/
98  /****************************************/
101  m_pcQTOpenGLMainWindow = &c_main_win;
102  }
104  /****************************************/
105  /****************************************/
108  return m_pcQTOpenGLMainWindow->GetOpenGLWidget();
109  }
111  /****************************************/
112  /****************************************/
115  const GLfloat pfColor[] = {
116  c_color.GetRed() / 255.0f,
117  c_color.GetGreen() / 255.0f,
118  c_color.GetBlue() / 255.0f,
119  1.0f
120  };
124  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, pfColor);
125  }
127  /****************************************/
128  /****************************************/
131  const CColor& c_color,
132  const Real f_diameter) {
133  /* Save attributes */
134  glPushAttrib(GL_POINT_BIT);
135  /* Set color */
136  SetColor(c_color);
137  /* Set point attributes */
138  glPointSize(static_cast<GLfloat>(f_diameter));
139  glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
140  /* Draw */
141  glBegin(GL_POINTS);
142  glVertex3d(c_position.GetX(), c_position.GetY(), c_position.GetZ());
143  glEnd();
144  /* Restore saved attributes */
145  glPopAttrib();
146  }
148  /****************************************/
149  /****************************************/
152  const CQuaternion& c_orientation,
153  Real f_base,
154  Real f_height,
155  const CColor& c_color,
156  const bool b_fill) {
157  /* Save attributes and current matrix */
158  glPushAttrib(GL_POLYGON_BIT);
159  glPushMatrix();
160  /* Set color */
161  SetColor(c_color);
162  /* Disable face culling, to make the triangle visible from any angle */
163  glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
164  /* Set polygon attributes */
165  glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH);
166  glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, b_fill ? GL_FILL : GL_LINE);
167  /* Set position/orientation */
168  Rototranslate(c_position, c_orientation);
169  /* Draw */
170  glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
171  glNormal3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
172  glVertex3d(-f_base * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
173  glVertex3d( f_base * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
174  glVertex3d( 0.0f, f_height, 0.0f);
175  glEnd();
176  /* Restore saved stuff */
177  glPopMatrix();
178  glPopAttrib();
179  }
181  /****************************************/
182  /****************************************/
185  const CQuaternion& c_orientation,
186  const std::vector<CVector2>& vec_points,
187  const CColor& c_color,
188  const bool b_fill) {
189  if(vec_points.size() < 2) {
190  LOGERR << "CQTOpenGLUserFunctions::DrawPolygon() needs at least 3 points." << std::endl;
191  return;
192  }
193  /* Save attributes and current matrix */
194  glPushAttrib(GL_POLYGON_BIT);
195  /* Set color */
196  SetColor(c_color);
197  /* Disable face culling, to make the triangle visible from any angle */
198  glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
199  /* Set polygon attributes */
200  glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH);
201  glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, b_fill ? GL_FILL : GL_LINE);
202  /* Set position/orientation */
203  Rototranslate(c_position, c_orientation);
204  /* Draw */
205  glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
206  glNormal3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
207  for(size_t i = 0; i < vec_points.size(); ++i) {
208  glVertex3d(vec_points[i].GetX(), vec_points[i].GetY(), 0.0f);
209  }
210  glEnd();
211  /* Reset translation */
212  glTranslated(-c_position.GetX(), -c_position.GetY(), -c_position.GetZ());
213  /* Restore saved stuff */
214  glPopAttrib();
215  }
217  /****************************************/
218  /****************************************/
221  const CQuaternion& c_orientation,
222  Real f_radius,
223  const CColor& c_color,
224  const bool b_fill,
225  GLuint un_vertices) {
226  /* Save attributes and current matrix */
227  glPushAttrib(GL_POLYGON_BIT);
228  glPushMatrix();
229  /* Set color */
230  SetColor(c_color);
231  /* Disable face culling, to make the triangle visible from any angle */
232  glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
233  /* Set polygon attributes */
234  glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH);
235  glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, b_fill ? GL_FILL : GL_LINE);
236  /* Set position/orientation */
237  Rototranslate(c_position, c_orientation);
238  /* Draw */
239  CVector2 cVertex(f_radius, 0.0f);
240  CRadians cAngle(CRadians::TWO_PI / un_vertices);
241  glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
242  glNormal3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
243  for(size_t i = 0; i < un_vertices; ++i) {
244  glVertex3d(cVertex.GetX(), cVertex.GetY(), 0.0f);
245  cVertex.Rotate(cAngle);
246  }
247  glEnd();
248  /* Restore saved stuff */
249  glPopAttrib();
250  glPopMatrix();
251  }
253  /****************************************/
254  /****************************************/
257  const CQuaternion& c_orientation,
258  Real f_radius,
259  Real f_height,
260  const CColor& c_color,
261  GLuint un_vertices) {
262  /* Save current matrix */
263  glPushMatrix();
264  /* Set color */
265  SetColor(c_color);
266  /* Set position/orientation */
267  Rototranslate(c_position, c_orientation);
268  /* Draw side surface */
269  Real fHalfHeight = f_height * 0.5f;
270  CVector2 cVertex(1.0f, 0.0f);
271  CRadians cAngle(CRadians::TWO_PI / un_vertices);
272  glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
273  for(GLuint i = 0; i <= un_vertices; i++) {
274  glNormal3d(cVertex.GetX(), cVertex.GetY(), 0.0f);
275  glVertex3d(cVertex.GetX() * f_radius, cVertex.GetY() * f_radius, fHalfHeight);
276  glVertex3d(cVertex.GetX() * f_radius, cVertex.GetY() * f_radius, -fHalfHeight);
277  cVertex.Rotate(cAngle);
278  }
279  glEnd();
280  /* Draw top disk */
281  cVertex.Set(f_radius, 0.0f);
282  glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
283  glNormal3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
284  for(GLuint i = 0; i <= un_vertices; i++) {
285  glVertex3d(cVertex.GetX(), cVertex.GetY(), fHalfHeight);
286  cVertex.Rotate(cAngle);
287  }
288  glEnd();
289  /* Draw bottom disk */
290  cVertex.Set(f_radius, 0.0f);
291  cAngle = -cAngle;
292  glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
293  glNormal3d(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
294  for(GLuint i = 0; i <= un_vertices; i++) {
295  glVertex3d(cVertex.GetX(), cVertex.GetY(), -fHalfHeight);
296  cVertex.Rotate(cAngle);
297  }
298  glEnd();
299  /* Restore saved matrix */
300  glPopMatrix();
301  }
303  /****************************************/
304  /****************************************/
307  const CQuaternion& c_orientation,
308  const CVector3& c_size,
309  const CColor& c_color) {
310  /* Save current matrix */
311  glPushMatrix();
312  /* Set color */
313  SetColor(c_color);
314  /* Set position/orientation */
315  Rototranslate(c_position, c_orientation);
316  /* Draw top and bottom faces (parallel to XY) */
317  CVector3 cHalfSize = c_size * 0.5f;
318  glBegin(GL_QUADS);
319  /* Bottom face */
320  glNormal3d(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
321  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
322  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
323  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
324  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
325  /* Top face */
326  glNormal3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
327  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
328  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
329  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
330  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
331  glEnd();
332  /* Draw the other faces (South, East, North, West) */
333  glBegin(GL_QUADS);
334  /* North face */
335  glNormal3d(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
336  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
337  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
338  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
339  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
340  /* South face */
341  glNormal3d(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
342  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
343  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
344  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
345  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
346  /* East face */
347  glNormal3d(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
348  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
349  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
350  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
351  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), -cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
352  /* West face */
353  glNormal3d(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
354  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
355  glVertex3d(-cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
356  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), cHalfSize.GetZ());
357  glVertex3d( cHalfSize.GetX(), cHalfSize.GetY(), -cHalfSize.GetZ());
358  glEnd();
359  /* Restore saved matrix */
360  glPopMatrix();
361  }
363  /****************************************/
364  /****************************************/
367  const CColor& c_color,
368  Real f_width) {
369  /* Save attributes and current matrix */
370  glPushAttrib(GL_LINE_BIT | GL_ENABLE_BIT);
371  /* Set line attributes */
372  glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
373  glLineWidth(static_cast<GLfloat>(f_width));
374  /* Unset lighting */
375  glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
376  glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
377  /* Set color */
378  glColor3ub(c_color.GetRed(), c_color.GetGreen(), c_color.GetBlue());
379  /* Draw ray */
380  glBegin(GL_LINES);
381  glVertex3d(c_ray.GetStart().GetX(), c_ray.GetStart().GetY(), c_ray.GetStart().GetZ());
382  glVertex3d(c_ray.GetEnd().GetX(), c_ray.GetEnd().GetY(), c_ray.GetEnd().GetZ());
383  glEnd();
384  /* Restore saved stuff */
385  glPopAttrib();
386  }
388  /****************************************/
389  /****************************************/
391  static void TransformPoint(Real* pf_vec_out,
392  const Real* pf_trans,
393  const Real* pf_vec_in) {
394 #define M(row,col) pf_trans[col * 4 + row]
395  pf_vec_out[0] =
396  M(0, 0) * pf_vec_in[0] +
397  M(0, 1) * pf_vec_in[1] +
398  M(0, 2) * pf_vec_in[2] +
399  M(0, 3) * pf_vec_in[3];
400  pf_vec_out[1] =
401  M(1, 0) * pf_vec_in[0] +
402  M(1, 1) * pf_vec_in[1] +
403  M(1, 2) * pf_vec_in[2] +
404  M(1, 3) * pf_vec_in[3];
405  pf_vec_out[2] =
406  M(2, 0) * pf_vec_in[0] +
407  M(2, 1) * pf_vec_in[1] +
408  M(2, 2) * pf_vec_in[2] +
409  M(2, 3) * pf_vec_in[3];
410  pf_vec_out[3] =
411  M(3, 0) * pf_vec_in[0] +
412  M(3, 1) * pf_vec_in[1] +
413  M(3, 2) * pf_vec_in[2] +
414  M(3, 3) * pf_vec_in[3];
415 #undef M
416  }
418  /****************************************/
419  /****************************************/
422  const std::string& str_text,
423  const CColor& c_color,
424  const QFont& c_font) {
425  /* Get current modelview matrix */
426  GLdouble pf_mv[16];
427  glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, pf_mv);
428  /* Get current projection matrix */
429  GLdouble pf_proj[16];
430  glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, pf_proj);
431  /* Get current viewport */
432  GLint pn_vp[4];
433  glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, pn_vp);
434  /* Buffers for projection calculations */
435  GLdouble pf_v1[4], pf_v2[4];
436  /* Transform original position with modelview matrix */
437  pf_v1[0] = c_position.GetX();
438  pf_v1[1] = c_position.GetY();
439  pf_v1[2] = c_position.GetZ();
440  pf_v1[3] = 1.0;
441  TransformPoint(pf_v2, pf_mv, pf_v1);
442  /* Transform pf_v2 with projection matrix */
443  TransformPoint(pf_v1, pf_proj, pf_v2);
444  /* Failed projection? Get out */
445  if (pf_v1[3] == 0.0) return;
446  /* Rescale projection */
447  pf_v1[0] /= pf_v1[3];
448  pf_v1[1] /= pf_v1[3];
449  /* Get screen position (before mirroring) */
450  pf_v2[0] =
451  (pn_vp[0] + (1. + pf_v1[0]) * pn_vp[2] / 2.) /
452  GetMainWindow().devicePixelRatio();
453  pf_v2[1] =
454  (pn_vp[1] + (1. + pf_v1[1]) * pn_vp[3] / 2.) /
455  GetMainWindow().devicePixelRatio();
456  /* Mirror along Y because screen goes up to down */
457  pf_v2[1] = GetMainWindow().GetOpenGLWidget().height() - pf_v2[1];
458  /* Save OpenGL attributes */
459  glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT);
460  /* Disable lighting to make text color unaffected by light */
461  glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
462  glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
463  /* Disable culling to make text visibile from any angle */
464  glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
465  /* Initialize Qt screen painter */
466  QPainter cPainter(&GetMainWindow().GetOpenGLWidget());
467  /* Set antialiasing */
468  cPainter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::TextAntialiasing);
469  /* Set pen color */
470  cPainter.setPen(
471  QColor(c_color.GetRed(),
472  c_color.GetGreen(),
473  c_color.GetBlue(),
474  c_color.GetAlpha()));
475  /* Set font */
476  cPainter.setFont(c_font);
477  /* Render text */
478  cPainter.drawText(static_cast<UInt32>(pf_v2[0]),
479  static_cast<UInt32>(pf_v2[1]),
480  str_text.c_str());
481  /* Dispose of Qt screen painter */
482  cPainter.end();
483  /* Restore saved attributes */
484  glPopAttrib();
485  }
487  /****************************************/
488  /****************************************/
491  TThunk t_thunk = m_cThunks[c_entity.GetTag()];
492  if(t_thunk) (this->*t_thunk)(c_entity);
493  }
495  /****************************************/
496  /****************************************/
498 }
unsigned int UInt32
32-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: datatypes.h:97
float Real
Collects all ARGoS code.
Definition: datatypes.h:39
#define M(row, col)
The namespace containing all the ARGoS related code.
Definition: ci_actuator.h:12
Definition: argos_log.h:180
CDegrees ToDegrees(const CRadians &c_radians)
Converts CRadians to CDegrees.
Definition: angles.h:489
The basic entity type.
Definition: entity.h:90
The basic color type.
Definition: color.h:25
UInt8 GetBlue() const
Returns the blue channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:101
UInt8 GetGreen() const
Returns the green channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:90
UInt8 GetRed() const
Returns the red channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:79
UInt8 GetAlpha() const
Returns the alpha channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:112
It defines the basic type CRadians, used to store an angle value in radians.
Definition: angles.h:42
static const CRadians TWO_PI
Set to PI * 2.
Definition: angles.h:54
CVector3 & GetEnd()
Definition: ray3.h:45
CVector3 & GetStart()
Definition: ray3.h:37
A 2D vector class.
Definition: vector2.h:27
Real GetY() const
Returns the y coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector2.h:110
CVector2 & Rotate(const CRadians &c_angle)
Rotates this vector by the wanted angle.
Definition: vector2.h:194
void Set(Real f_x, Real f_y)
Sets the vector contents from Cartesian coordinates.
Definition: vector2.h:127
Real GetX() const
Returns the x coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector2.h:94
A 3D vector class.
Definition: vector3.h:31
Real GetX() const
Returns the x coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector3.h:105
Real GetY() const
Returns the y coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector3.h:121
Real GetZ() const
Returns the z coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector3.h:137
CQTOpenGLWidget & GetOpenGLWidget()
std::vector< CFunctionHolder * > m_vecFunctionHolders
A vector of function holders.
void SetColor(const CColor &c_color)
Sets the current drawing color.
void SetMainWindow(CQTOpenGLMainWindow &c_main_win)
Sets the QTOpenGL main window for these user functions.
CVTable< CQTOpenGLUserFunctions, CEntity, TThunk > m_cThunks
The vtable storing the thunks.
void DrawPoint(const CVector3 &c_position, const CColor &c_color=CColor::RED, Real f_diameter=5.0)
Draws a point.
void DrawTriangle(const CVector3 &c_position, const CQuaternion &c_orientation, Real f_base, Real f_height, const CColor &c_color=CColor::RED, const bool b_fill=true)
Draws an isosceles triangle.
virtual void SelectEntity(CEntity &c_entity)
Selects the specified entity.
virtual void KeyPressed(QKeyEvent *pc_event)
Called when a key press event occurs.
virtual ~CQTOpenGLUserFunctions()
Class destructor.
CQTOpenGLMainWindow & GetMainWindow()
Returns the QTOpenGL main window.
virtual void KeyReleased(QKeyEvent *pc_event)
Called when a key release event occurs.
virtual void Call(CEntity &c_entity)
Calls a user method for the given entity.
void DrawPolygon(const CVector3 &c_position, const CQuaternion &c_orientation, const std::vector< CVector2 > &vec_points, const CColor &c_color=CColor::RED, const bool b_fill=true)
Draws a 2D polygon.
void DrawBox(const CVector3 &c_position, const CQuaternion &c_orientation, const CVector3 &c_size, const CColor &c_color=CColor::RED)
Draws a box.
CQTOpenGLWidget & GetQTOpenGLWidget()
Returns the QTOpenGLWidget.
void DrawText(const CVector3 &c_position, const std::string &str_text, const CColor &c_color=CColor::BLACK, const QFont &c_font=QFont())
Draws a string of text.
void DrawCylinder(const CVector3 &c_position, const CQuaternion &c_orientation, Real f_radius, Real f_height, const CColor &c_color=CColor::RED, GLuint un_vertices=20)
Draws a cylinder, with the height perpendicular to the XY plane.
CEntity * GetSelectedEntity()
Returns the currently selected entity, or NULL.
void DrawCircle(const CVector3 &c_position, const CQuaternion &c_orientation, Real f_radius, const CColor &c_color=CColor::RED, const bool b_fill=true, GLuint un_vertices=20)
Draws a circle.
void(CQTOpenGLUserFunctions::* TThunk)(CEntity &)
Pointer-to-thunk type definition.
void DrawRay(const CRay3 &c_ray, const CColor &c_color=CColor::RED, Real f_width=1.0f)
Draws a ray, with optional endpoint markers.
virtual void DeselectEntity()
Deselects the currently selected entity.
CEntity * GetSelectedEntity()
Returns the currently selected entity, or NULL if none is selected.
void KeyPressed(QKeyEvent *pc_event)
Handles key press events.
void SelectEntity(CEntity &c_entity)
Selects the passed entity.
void KeyReleased(QKeyEvent *pc_event)
Handles key release events.
void DeselectEntity()
Deselects the currently selected entity.